Integrate Outlook Calendar

Integrate Outlook Calendar

Integrate with Outlook Calendar

Integrating with Outlook Calendar
Gear icon
Gear icon
  1. Click on the gear icon at the upper right corner of the screen
“Integrations” tab
“Integrations” tab
  1. Click on the “Integrations” tab
“Integrate with Outlook Calendar”
“Integrate with Outlook Calendar”
  1. Click on “Integrate now” next to “Integrate with Outlook Calendar”

Integrate with Outlook Calendar

By linking VoicePing with Outlook Calendar, the user status will automatically change to "Busy" during times when there is something scheduled on the calendar, like a meeting.

Display User Status According to Outlook Calendar

Displaying user status according to Outlook Calendar
Arrow - user status options
Arrow - user status options
  1. Click on the arrow under name
“Outlook Calendar”
“Outlook Calendar”
  1. Click on “Outlook Calendar”


If you have any questions or concerns, contact us through text chat support.

@January 30, 2024 Updated by VoicePing Inc.