


VoicePing's time-tracking feature automatically logs your work so you can easily create invoices.

Managers can view invoices issued by members.

Access your Bill

  1. Click on the timer icon at the top left of the app
  2. Click on the “Work Log” tab
  3. Click on the “Invoice” tab
How to access your invoice

Invoice: User Search Function

You can use the user search feature to view invoices by member while organizing your invoices.

How to use the user search function

Duplicate Invoice

  1. Click the copy icon of the invoice you want to duplicate
How to duplicate an invoice

Download your Invoice (PDF)

  1. Click the download icon for the invoice you want to save
How to download your invoice

Edit Invoice

  1. Click on the pen icon of the invoice you want to edit
How to edit an invoice

Delete Invoice

  1. Click the trash can icon for the invoice you want to delete
  2. Click the "Delete Invoice" button
How to delete an invoice

Create Invoice

Please see the following page for details on how to issue an invoice. 👇

Time Tracking Function & Invoice for Subconducting MembersTime Tracking Function & Invoice for Subconducting Members


If you have any questions or concerns, contact us through text chat support.

@January 30, 2024 Updated by VoicePing Inc.