
Notion based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Distributor Name
VoicePing K.K.
Responsible person's name
Akinori Nakajima
Omodaka Bldg. 4F, 1-9-7 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0023, Japan
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Home Page URL
Sales Price
・Please refer to the page. ・Special rates for free trials, campaigns, etc. are subject to the terms and conditions of the period and rates separately stipulated.
Required fees other than product price
None. The amount shown includes consumption tax.
Time of delivery of goods and provision of service
After applying for the service, we will immediately prepare for the use of the service. After the service preparation is completed, the service is ready for use.
Payment method and timing of payment
【Method of payment】 ・Payment by bank transfer, credit card, or any other method determined by the Company 【timing】 ・In the case of bank transfer, payment is due at the end of the month and payable at the end of the following month. However, bank transfer fees are the responsibility of the customer. ・In the case of credit card payment, each credit card company has its own payment terms and conditions.
Application Expiration Date
Returns, Exchanges, and Cancellations
Due to the nature of our services, we do not accept returns, exchanges, cancellations, withdrawals, or refunds. Refunds are also not available for cancellations made before the end of the contract period.
System Requirements
Please check the recommended environment listed for each service.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@voice-ping.com.

@October 27, 2022 Updated by VoicePing inc.