
Custom Objects

Custom Objects Function

The “Custom Objects” function is one of many communication tools for companies to use in the VoicePing virtual office.

Important messages and frequently used URLs can be posted so that all members are on the same track.

Images, URLs, and text can be posted on the virtual office floor for both members and guests to…

  • Receive notice of a new employee joining the company
  • Post corporate philosophy or slogans
  • Post URLs for general Zoom Meetings
  • Post frequently accessed URLs for things like spreadsheet, backlog, figma, miro, etc.

Object Placement

Text Objects

  1. Click on “Custom Objects {}” from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen
  2. Click on “Text”
  3. Enter the message you want to share (size, color, and font can be changed)
  4. Click “Save”
Creating a text object

URL Objects

  1. Click on “Custom Objects {}” from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen
  2. Click on “URL”
  3. Enter the URL you want to share
  4. If a message is necessary, type it in the box under “Object Name (Optional)” (size, color, and font can be changed)
  5. Click “Save”
Creating a URL object

When members click on the object, they will be redirected to the URL that is embedded.

Image Objects

  1. Click on “Custom Objects {}” from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen
  2. Click on “Image”
  3. Upload the image you want to share
  4. If necessary, paste a URL that members will be redirected to when clicking on the image
  5. If a message is necessary, type it in the box under “Object Name (Optional)” (size, color, and font can be changed)
  6. Click “Save”
Creating Image Objects

Position Lock

  1. Move the object to the place you want it
  2. Click on the pen icon above the object
  3. Turn on “Position Lock”
  4. Click “Save”
Position lock for objects

※ Only members can remove the position lock on the object. Guests do not have access to this feature.


If you have any questions or concerns, contact us through text chat support.

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@January 30, 2024 Updated by VoicePing Inc.