
Inviting & Adding Members

Invite Members

  1. Click the "Invite Teammates" button at the top right of the app.
  2. Enter the email of the person you are inviting.
  3. Select the project to assign (changes can be made later).
  4. Assign groups (can be changed later).
  5. Determine user privileges (changes can be made later).
  6. Enable time tracking, enable screenshots, and enable/disable web apps using toggle buttons (changes can be made later).
  7. Decide which floors the invitees can access (changes can be made later).
  8. Click the "Invite" button.
  9. When you press the "Invite" button, the URL will be automatically sent (the invitation link is valid for 72 hours).
How to invite people to your workspace

Resend Invitation Message

  1. Click the "Invite Teammates" button at the top right of the app.
  2. Click on the “Manage Invites” tab.
  3. Click the action arrow icon.
  4. Click on “Resend”.
How to resent an invitation message

Delete an Invitation

  1. Click the "Invite Teammates" button at the top right of the app.
  2. Click on the Manage Invitations tab.
  3. Click on the action trash can icon.
  4. Click the "Delete" button.
How to delete an invitation

Invite by URL (with expiration date)

  1. Click the "Invite Teammates" button at the top right of the app.
  2. Click on the “Invite by URL” tab.
  3. Click the down arrow in the “Select expiration date” box.
  4. Select the expiration date for the URL.
  5. Copy the URL and send it to the other person (Mac: "command + V" keys, Windows: "ctrl + V" keys).
Invitation URL

Manually Create Accounts

Administrators can create an account by manually entering their name and email. The created account list will be sent to the account creator's email.

  1. Click the "Invite Teammates" button at the top right of the app
  2. Click on the “Create User” tab
  3. Enter the user's name and email address
  4. Click the "Create user" button
  5. It also supports import input using CSV files (name, email). You can create up to 50 accounts at a time.
How to create an account manually

Enable Per User

  1. Click the member icon at the top right of the floor to go to the user management page
  2. Find the user you want to enable the web app for and click the toggle button under "Web App"
How to enable web apps for each user

Security: Two-Step Verification

You can strengthen security by applying the two-step authentication verification for new users from [Preferences] > [Workspace].

  • If a new user receives an invitation to join a workspace with two-step verification enabled, they will need to verify their email address to join.
  • If a user receives an invitation through an email address, they can only sign up with that email address, not with a different one.
  • As an exception, if users join your workspace using an Apple or Google account, they do not need to go through the 2-step verification process.


If you have any questions or concerns, contact us through text chat support.

@January 30, 2024 Updated by VoicePing Inc.