
Virtual Office

This manual is for users who want to create a virtual office for their team.

Here you will learn how to create an account, track your team’s work time, increase productivity, use voice translation tools, and more.


1. Virtual Office

To set up your virtual office, you need to create a new workspace, create an office floor, and invite your team members to it.

Create a New Account/Workspace

To create a new workspace, you will need to download the VoicePing app. From the VoicePing website, click on "START FREE PLAN" at the top of the page.

After completing registration, the VoicePing application will be automatically downloaded to your PC. Install the application, and move on to the next step!

Creating a new workspace

Create an Office Floor

After creating the workspace, create a floor to which you want to assign members. You can add a floor by clicking the + button in the upper right corner of the sidebar menu.

Creating an office floor

Invite Team Members

There are 3 ways to invite employees to your VoicePing workspace.

  • If you want to assign members to a project or group at the same time as the invitation and decide their permissions, send an invitation e-mail to the person from "Invite to workspace".
  • If you want to give team members access to all floors and manage their permissions and groups later, please generate a URL from "Invite by URL" and set how long it can be valid for.
  • If you (the workspace manager) want to create an account for your team member, please upload a CVS file to “User creation” or enter the teammate’s name and email address directly.
Inviting teammembers

Talking with Your Team

Web conferencing is becoming the new standard, but there are many cases where communication has decreased because of the dreadful schedule coordination. To avoid having such an issue, use VoicePing’s voice call function which allows you to talk to your team instantly.

User Status

There are 3 basic user statues in the VoicePing workspace, which are there to help you decipher who is available for a quick chat. If your teammate’s light is green, they are online. If their light is red, they are unavailable. If the user’s light is yellow, they are away and have not used their device for some time.


Call Over

If the user you want to speak with is available, invite them closer for a chat within the audible range on the virtual office floor. This audible range is the white circle around your avatar, and only those within it can hear your voice. You can change this area size from [Preferences] > [Workspace].

If you want to talk to all the members on the floor, please use the Broadcast Function instead.

Invite closer to chat

Text Chat

The VoicePing workspace also has a chat box as a tool to talk with other members. You can also communicate with people from other countries using the text translation function within the text box.

Text chat

Bulletin Board

You can use Custom Objects as an internal communication tool like a bulletin board.

Bulletin board

Customize Your Floor

You can freely customize your office from the hammer icon at the upper left-hand corner of the floor.

Customizing the office

2. Internal Member Meeting

Create a Conference Room

There are three types of conference rooms in the VoicePing virtual office:

General, private, and regular meeting rooms.

In the video below, we are creating a general conference room.

Creating a meeting room

Private Meeting Room

By default, anyone can freely enter and exit the meeting room. Setting a conference room as a private meeting room prevents uninvited members from entering the room.

Please see the page below for details. 👇

Regular Meeting

In a conference room for regular meetings, if you set the participants and time in advance, you can automatically call the participants when the meeting time arrives.

Please see the page below for details. 👇

Set Translatable Languages (Optional)

The voice translation function transcribes what people say in real time, and translates it into the language of your choice. To use this feature, you will need to set up the translatable languages in advance from [Preferences] > [Speech to text].

Choosing workspace languages

Voice Translation

One of the VoicePing translation functions, the "voice translation function", is a function that allows utterances to be transcribed in real-time and simultaneously translated into one of the set translatable languages.

Please see the page below for details. 👇

Voice Translation Voice Translation

Text Translation

If you enable the "Text Translation Function", one of the VoicePing translation functions, texts sent by other users will be translated into the selected language.

Please see the page below for details. 👇

💬Text Translation

Invite to Meeting

Search for members to join the meeting from the sidebar and invite them to the meeting room.

If you plan to have many participants, you can also copy the meeting URL and share it beforehand.

Inviting members to the meeting

Receive Participation Notification (Optional)

You can have meeting participants receive a notification when they enter the conference room.

Please note that if you enable this feature, participants will not be able to enter the room until you approve their request to join.

Receiving notifications from participants

Check the Meeting Log (Optional)

After the meeting, you can view the meeting log on your browser.

This includes both a video recording and a transcript of your meeting which can be summarized by AI.

Checking the meeting logs

3. Productivity Management

VoicePing Virtual Office has many features to improve your team's productivity, such as time tracking, screenshots, work/online logs, etc.

A. Features for Managers

Managers can view members' work logs and online logs.

The work log records information input by members from the work timer and working hours.

The online log records the time members spent in the virtual office and their status changes during their stay.

Check Work Log

The “Working Logs” allow managers to see how much time their members and groups spend on each project or task.

Checking work logs

Project Management

For members to track their working hours, managers will first need to create projects and assign members to them. You must also enable the time-tracking feature.

Managing projects

Time Tracking Function

The time tracking function records which team members worked on which project, what kind of work they did, and how much time they spent on it.

If you enable the screenshot function, a screenshot of the member's desktop screen will be automatically saved every 10 minutes and recorded as a work log.

Enabling: Time-tracking and screenshot functions

Online Logs

The “Online Logs” allow managers to see how long members spend in the virtual office and when their statuses change have changed while on the VoicePing app.

Online Logs are divided into weekly and daily reports.

Checking online logs

PC Idle Time Setting (Away Status Interval)

When members have not used their devices for some time, their user status will change to orange or “Away”.

From [Preferences] > [Workspace] you can set how many minutes of inactivity will trigger the change in their status.

Away status

Displaying Apps in Use

To increase transparency, managers can also see the apps that their workers are using, in real time.

Displaying apps in use


Virtual office managers can view invoices issued by members.

“Invoice” page for managers👇

📥Create an Invoice

B. Members:

Use the Time Tracking Function

Select one of the projects assigned by your manager, enter your work details, and click the enter key or the timer play button.

Time-tracking function

Issue an Invoice

The time tracking feature automatically records work logs, making it easy to create invoices.

Regarding issuing invoices for outsourced members👇

Time tracking and invoicing for outsourced members

Issue an Invoice


If you have any questions or concerns, contact us through text chat support.

@January 30, 2024 Updated by VoicePing Inc.